Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Knock, Knock

The boys love telling knock knock jokes or just jokes in general. Often they make up their own jokes and at 4 and 6 they are great. One of my favorites from both of them: Braden at 5 years old: Why did the chicken eat the road? (We were doing a lot of why did the ____cross the road jokes) because he had a good pecker (his beak of course). Nice huh? Then my favorite of Conner's was Knock knock. Who's there? Love. Love who? I love you.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Art Show

Braden has an incredible desire to be famous. A year ago one of his friends was in the paper and all he could talk about was what he had to do to get himself in the paper. Luckily, he was put in the paper later that year when he had his picture taken at the preschool bike rodeo. Then, this year he tried out for the Missoula Childrens' Theater very excited to be on stage. Sadly, he did not get a part this year. Then this month we got a note home that he was chosen to have his art showcased in a community art show in town. He was thrilled. He made sure we all could make it. He said one of his friends had his art chosen also and he couldn't go "can you even believe he isn't going" he said. Then, he rushed us along to get there because he was certain he would be needed on stage.  I love that he has this desire to be famous. One day hopefully he'll be a big star and take his mom and dad on a cool trip!

When we told Conner that we were going to the art show Conner exclaims excitedly "An art show? I LOVE art shows! Well, I don't know what an art show is but I do love art!" So easily excited.....and as it turned out. Conner's preschool had submitted his watercolor as well. What great artists!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Games with Dad

Jeff was playing cash register with Conner the other day (one of Conner's favorite games) and was buying many things from Conner's store. After Jeff would pay he was trying to get Conner to figure out how much change he should really get back. Dad decided it would be a good learning game. After a few rounds of this Conner says firmly "Dad, please sit down. You will get what I give you." in response to Jeff trying to tell Conner that he should only get $1 back from $5 instead of $24.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Tonight the four of us were playing Legos in the living room with some of Jeff's legos from his childhood. Jeff noticed on the bottom of some of the lego guys it had the date 1974 printed on it. I told Braden that was when I was born. He said "Wow, was that when dinosaurs were alive?". The sad thing was, he was quite serious.

Big Reader

Ever since Conner has started preschool (in September) he has decided he is going to be a reader like his brother. He "reads" books to us all the time and I love it. He follows the words with his fingers and tells us some great stories. Today while we were exercising in the workout room Conner was "lifting weights" on his favorite of daddy's machines. He decided to "read" the words on the machine to me. This is what is says on our workout machines "Exercising is good for you. Even grown ups can do it because it is so good for you." He then looked up at me with such a proud face. What a sweet boy....

Friday, September 3, 2010

Grown ups

Braden has always been so anxious to "grow up". He's always talking to Jeff and I about when he can get a car and move out. You'd almost think he didn't like us but I think he is just a natural born independent. The other day he was talking to me about when he would be a grown up at 26 or 28 (normally he uses the 18 age that he got from someone). Conner heard this and was talking to us about then he could be a dad. We said that we hope he does become a dad someday. Conner then replied "Yes, then we'll all be so big we'll need to live in a castle". I can't wait until we get to move to that castle....

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What do people do all day?

While Jeff was reading the book "What do people do all day?" with Conner ( a book about people's jobs), Jeff asked Conner what mom and dad did for jobs. Conner said mom goes running and dad goes fishing. Our jobs must seem cool to him......