Friday, August 21, 2009


We had a great family vacation last week in Chelan. We stayed for 4 days and this was the first time Conner and Braden have been away with us for longer than 1 night (we went to Great Wolf Lodge earlier in the summer for one night). They were both so excited the day we left and the morning we were leaving as we were packing up to go over we couldn't find Conner for a few minutes. I looked in the garage and he had got himself in the car and buckled himself in his carseat and was quietly waiting for us. I guess we were taking too long for him! The boys slept in the same room and did great! I was so proud of how well (and late) they slept. I guess it helps to tire them out so much during the day. We did a lot of swimming and Braden loved it. He swam the whole time by himself with the help of arm floaties of course and loved jumping in the pool. We don't go swimming very often (maybe 3 times in his whole life....with the exception of kiddie pools) so I was proud of how well he did. He went under water, jumped in, the whole 9 yards. He also swam in the lake which was very, very cold. Conner also enjoyed swimming but insisted mom hold onto him the whole time. The boys enjoyed having us at their beck and call for 4 days. We swam, played at the lake, played basketball, trak ball, soccer, on the playground, went on walks and enjoyed our family. It was a great weekend! The day we left Braden asked "Now, does everyone have to leave today?" When I told him people would come and go at all different times he was wondering why we should have to go and begged we could come back again another time.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mini golf

Today we went to play mini golf with our friends Ryan, Jack and Kate. We had a lot of fun. I shot a 58 (yes, I"m awesome), Jeff shot about a 42 I think and Braden continually told me he was better at golf than I was (yes, modest). Conner played a few holes but eventually entertained himself in other ways like rolling on the ground, picking weeds, you know fun stuff like that.

Carefully sizing up his shot.

A great golf stance.

Ryan and Braden

Are we done yet?

No? Well, let me just roll around for a while on the green. Yes, he did not fall here, he is actually doing this very much on purpose. Oh it is fun being 2.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Oh my goodness sakes....

This is Conner's new favorite line. He'll say it over and over again. It's pretty cute though.....