They have both enjoyed opening their advent calendars from Grandma and Papa ( I mean who wouldn't enjoy chocolate every day!) and decorating gingerbread houses and of course decorating cookies!
Now just a few more days until Christmas!
They have both enjoyed opening their advent calendars from Grandma and Papa ( I mean who wouldn't enjoy chocolate every day!) and decorating gingerbread houses and of course decorating cookies!
Now just a few more days until Christmas!
We decorated cookies...
and really, really enjoyed eating them (yes, even after a non breakfast of balloon playing)
It was a good day of family bonding! Merry Christmas!
Conner really loved trick or treating.....
But as you can see he is much more stubborn than his older brother and this orange spiderman shirt was all the costume he would tolerate.
Braden's preschool class had a field trip to the pumpkin patch on Friday. Braden had a careful method of selecting just the right pumpkin. Luckily he chose a nice big orange one instead of this little green one.
Braden and Conner shared a hug on the hay ride in from the pumpkin field.
We then went on to see all the animals in the petting zoo. Conner loved feeding the chickens corn.
But Braden was brave enough to pet the chicken also!
There was story time, coloring and apples after we got to meet the animals. Conner joined right in with the class to enjoy a good story and a few apple slices.
Thanks to Grandma Marion for driving the kids to the pumpkin patch so mommy could meet them there from work. We all had a great time!