Monday, December 1, 2008

Simple Pleasures

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Braden and Conner enjoyed a celebration with each side of the family so they had their fill of turkey and fun! Now December is definitely here with the cold weather. Here is a picture of the boys gearing up for the cold (thanks for the Wilder cap Kim!)

These hats gave Braden and Conner a good 30 minutes of entertainment. Oh the simple things......
Yes, it is fuzzy because they were jumping up and down for a good half an hour throwing and catching their hats. It was quite funny......


Connor Clan said...

I love when kids can find hours of entertainment in something so simple. Why do we get them all those fancy toys?

PerryBlog said...

Oh, the Wilder cap! What a sweet farewell. As of January 1, 2009 we will officially be Granite Northwest, no longer "doing business as" Wilder... Glad the hat has given so much joy!