Thursday, August 7, 2008

Children's Museum

We went to the Children's museum last weekend with Grandma and Papa and Braden and Conner's cousins Sammie, Toby and Zack (of course Aunt Tina too!). It was very fun! Conner is in love with his baby twin cousins Toby and Zack and wants to hug and kiss them constantly (much to their dismay!)

They loved the upstairs playground and digging with the dinosaurs!

Braden loved pretending to be a restaurant owner and building with his Papa!

A good time was had by all! But with a 3 year old, 2 year old, 1 year old and two 4 month olds all I can say is thank goodness for grandparents!


PerryBlog said...

Kyla especially loves the slides and the water area. We'll have to meet up there sometime!

Laura said...

That place looks great! Fun for us big kids too. :)