Tonight Conner was cracking us up. He is just at that age where most of what he says is hilarious even if he isn't trying to be. During dinner the boys were singing the days of the week song together. Then, Braden was trying to be a good teacher to his little brother when Conner got part of the song wrong and said "Conner, now what comes after Tuesday?" Conner promptly said "November" with a lot of confidence.
Then later during an exciting game of Candy Land, Braden was being his ultra competitive self and we were trying to teach him good game playing manners as Conner was losing by a lot but still happily moving his piece along the board. Then, Conner picks the coveted ice cream cone card. Now, for those of you that play Candy Land know that is the best of all the cards and can move you almost to the end of the game. Conner was so excited and as he moved his piece up to the ice cream cone square he says "Candy Land" in a low, sing-songy, voice that let us know that he was being cocky. It was quite hilarious......
What did we do without them?
Without them, I used to sleep in late; I used to eat out a lot; watched TV & went to movies; went shopping whenever I felt the whim; I didn't break into song whenever I heard words like "backpack," "map," "nap time." I could go on, but I'll spare you.
I love this age. They say the cutest things!
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