Tuesday, February 23, 2010


The blog has been neglected because our family has been drowning in sickness. Ok, not the whole family, just Conner who has pneumonia. It seems like the whole family, as we have all been so stressed out. Conner had a high fever from pneumonia for 12 days. We took him into the ER last Sunday when he woke up with a 105.5 fever in the middle of the night. The diagnosed him with pneumonia and gave us antibiotics. Two days later he still had not improved at all, but actually gotten worse. We took him back in and they did another chest x-ray and discovered the pneumonia had gotten worse and now had taken over a lot of his left lung and he was having difficulty breathing. He was so sick that he didn't want to do anything but lay on our laps. He couldn't even get himself to watch cartoons. He complained that his back hurt all the time. He also said each day "I not feeling so good." The sweetest thing was that all day long as he was sitting with me he would tell me how much he loved me. "Mommy?" "I love you" "I love you a whole lot". He would say this to me over and over. He even said it in the car on the way to the ER. What a sweet boy I have. He is finally starting to recover and we are all breathing a sigh of relief.


Connor Clan said...

Poor Conner. I am glad to hear that he is on the mend.

PerryBlog said...

Sooo glad to hear that he is feeling better!