Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I love you mommy

Conner has developed this very sweet (and very smart) new habit. Everytime he thinks he is in any trouble (louder voice from mom, drops something and makes a mess, brother telling on him....) he will immediately come up to me and say "I love you mommy". I know exactly what is going on but I have to admit I like it. Pretty cute.....

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Children's Museum

Last week was Spring break for mom and Braden so we decided to take a trip to the Children's Museum in Everett. We love it there and wish we lived closer. It was very rainy that day so unfortunately we didn't get to visit the rooftop but we still had a lot of fun! Some highlights were the water room which both boys loved. Braden managed to stay pretty dry but Conner was super wet! Conner also really loved the farm. He stayed in there and milked the cow and organized the milk bottles for probably an hour. (He really loves to organize. He is not like his mother.) Then all 4 boys played in the theater for quite a while. Ryan and Braden liked to run the stage lights and sell tickets. Conner was the show singing the ABC song and also enjoyed selling tickets. It was a great day.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Tulips 2010

I love living so close to the tulips. They are so beautiful and I enjoy driving by them everyday (well everyday that I don't have to fight the tulip traffic). I try to get some family pictures each year in front of the tulips which is always a bit of a challenge to get everyone looking at the same time. This year we went on a particularly sunny day and the boys were wearing their sunglasses in the car. I told them they couldn't wear them in the pictures because I like to get close ups of them in the flowers and I wanted to see their beautiful eyes. Jeff, hearing this, took his off too. I didn't realize this until I saw his poor squinty face in all the pictures. His light blue eyes are very sensitive to the sunlight. When I asked him why he didn't wear his glasses he said well you said we weren't supposed to wear them. Oh well, we got a couple of good ones. Tulips make a beautiful background.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


We had three great days of Easter celebrating this year. Friday night we went to Grandma and Grandpa Thomas' for Easter egg dying with the cousins. That was a fun and messy activity.

Then we had an Easter egg hunt on Saturday with Grandma, Papa and cousins Sammie, Zach and Toby. Both boys were pretty excited about the hunt this year and scored many eggs. Braden was very quick this year and was willing to pick up pink eggs. Last year he didn't get many eggs because he would touch any pink eggs (too girly I guess). But he was in it for the loot this year. Conner was also quicker this year but halfway through he asked to stop because he was cold. We went in to get his coat and he says"Um, mommy, I think I'm done." Since he doesn't like chocolate at all I guess chocolate filled eggs aren't a big deal. We filled a few eggs with Starburst and gummies (one of only a few candies he likes). However, he still wasn't too interested.

Then Sunday we had an Easter egg hunt with Grandma and Grandpa Thomas and cousins on Sunday. Poor Conner had a horrible allergy attack this day and looked like he had been beaten. Braden had fallen on his head on the concrete earlier that day and had a big scratch on his head. Needless to say, this was not a day where we were looking for family photos. Conner and Braden both got lots of eggs and enjoyed playing with all the cousins. It was a great weekend with family.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lost Tooth!

Braden lost his first tooth today. It has been loose for some time now and he finally got it out today. His Papa came over and took it right out. He was so happy and it didn't hurt at all according to him. I'm not sure if we will have any other ones so soon. The dentist told us after his last X-Ray that this tooth didn't have a very long root so it would fall out soon. Sure enough, out it came! Now, let's see if the Tooth Fairy will be successful tonight without waking him up....I also love that Conner was happy for his brother but asked very quietly "The tooth fairy isn't going to come into my room is he?"