Saturday, April 10, 2010


We had three great days of Easter celebrating this year. Friday night we went to Grandma and Grandpa Thomas' for Easter egg dying with the cousins. That was a fun and messy activity.

Then we had an Easter egg hunt on Saturday with Grandma, Papa and cousins Sammie, Zach and Toby. Both boys were pretty excited about the hunt this year and scored many eggs. Braden was very quick this year and was willing to pick up pink eggs. Last year he didn't get many eggs because he would touch any pink eggs (too girly I guess). But he was in it for the loot this year. Conner was also quicker this year but halfway through he asked to stop because he was cold. We went in to get his coat and he says"Um, mommy, I think I'm done." Since he doesn't like chocolate at all I guess chocolate filled eggs aren't a big deal. We filled a few eggs with Starburst and gummies (one of only a few candies he likes). However, he still wasn't too interested.

Then Sunday we had an Easter egg hunt with Grandma and Grandpa Thomas and cousins on Sunday. Poor Conner had a horrible allergy attack this day and looked like he had been beaten. Braden had fallen on his head on the concrete earlier that day and had a big scratch on his head. Needless to say, this was not a day where we were looking for family photos. Conner and Braden both got lots of eggs and enjoyed playing with all the cousins. It was a great weekend with family.

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