Friday, July 9, 2010

Llama Llama

Conner really loves the books Llama Llama mad at mama and Llama Llama red pajama. We read them almost every day right now. My favorite part is he calls them Llama Llama mad at mama and Llama Llama has some jammies. Even though we read the title every day that is always what it goes back to.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Good things about being a boy

My boys HATE getting their fingernails cut. I mean hate it.... So I just got back from a 5 day trip without them and of course their fingernails are now ridiculously long. This morning as I was having my morning cuddle time with Braden on the couch I told him that I needed to cut his fingernails. He grabs my hands and states that mine are long too. I told him (once again) that girls can have long nails but boys do not. Braden says "Well, when boys get hot they can take their shirts off and girls can't so I guess there is one good thing for both of us". Well, he's got me there.....