Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What do people do all day?

While Jeff was reading the book "What do people do all day?" with Conner ( a book about people's jobs), Jeff asked Conner what mom and dad did for jobs. Conner said mom goes running and dad goes fishing. Our jobs must seem cool to him......

A new bed finally.....

We finally (yes, finally) got Conner a big boy bed. He has been happily sleeping in his cribby until now. Last winter we bought him a really cool car toddler bed and he wanted nothing to do with it. Jeff and I figured if he was happy in his crib we didn't care if he still slept in it. This summer I was talking with him and asked him if he wanted a bed and he decided he did. However, I needed dad for this and unfortunately dad has been very busy building our beautiful new addition. This week we finally had a free afternoon and we went to the furniture store to let Conner pick out his bed. The sales lady talked to Conner and asked him if he was excited to get a new bed. He said yes and then continued to tell the lady how his crib is so uncomfortable and he hardly fit in it (this is not true of course) but he put on a good story for the sales lady. We looked like champ parents that day! Anyway, Conner got his new bed and picked out cool Cars bedding for it. I'm a little sad that we are now a crib free household.......Where did my babies go?

Two Wheels

We have been meaning to teach Braden to ride a bike without training wheels all summer. However, we do not have any good places to ride bikes right by our house besides our driveway. Luckily, our driveway is super long and good for scooters and bikes with training wheels but not ideal for teaching balance since it is all sloped. Our streets are horribly graveled and would rip a kid to shreds if they were to fall. Finally, this week we decided it was time. We put on the helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads, and headed off to the school playground up the street. I was expecting a lot of falls along the way but Braden picked it up after about 3 tries. Jeff held him up while he tried the first few times and then he was off and riding! He loves it and was so proud that he learned so quickly. He got a little cocky the second day of riding and was ripping around and riding with one hand. Then, he fell. He didn't get hurt but I'm hoping it was a good lesson early on to be a little more careful. A mom can hope anyway........

The beach

Our summer has been a fun never ending string of playdates at the various parks and beaches around Skagit County. This last week we had the pleasure of meeting our buddies at Washington Park which is a great park that has both a beach and a playground. Conner excitedly called me over to him on the beach and showed me a tiny little bug he had found. He was so pleased with himself. I said"Oh nice, you found a bug" Conner, "Yes, I love him. Do you want to hold him?" Mom, "Um no, I don't like bugs very much" Conner, "Why? He's so nice.". I love that he is so kind to the insects. I just hope he doesn't start bringing them indoors.