Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Two Wheels

We have been meaning to teach Braden to ride a bike without training wheels all summer. However, we do not have any good places to ride bikes right by our house besides our driveway. Luckily, our driveway is super long and good for scooters and bikes with training wheels but not ideal for teaching balance since it is all sloped. Our streets are horribly graveled and would rip a kid to shreds if they were to fall. Finally, this week we decided it was time. We put on the helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads, and headed off to the school playground up the street. I was expecting a lot of falls along the way but Braden picked it up after about 3 tries. Jeff held him up while he tried the first few times and then he was off and riding! He loves it and was so proud that he learned so quickly. He got a little cocky the second day of riding and was ripping around and riding with one hand. Then, he fell. He didn't get hurt but I'm hoping it was a good lesson early on to be a little more careful. A mom can hope anyway........

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