Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Fun

Braden had a great Easter! He LOVED hunting eggs this year at two different egg hunts but he was not fast and furious like I predicted. He took his time picking out eggs he liked and was very careful not to pick up any pink eggs at all. He is very serious about his anti-pink beliefs. Braden was also very excited about the Easter Bunny this year (which is funny because the Easter Bunny really didn't visit our house before this year). I think the bunny may have only chosen to make a stop this year because Braden kept going on and on about how cool it is when the Easter Bunny leaves you an Easter Basket. I guess it is a good thing he left one for him this year! Conner, unfortunately, was sick all weekend so he did not enjoy the Easter weekend as much. He did one half-hearted hunt but then was out for the count on Easter. So, we do not love Braden more as it may look from these pictures but Conner did not feel up to being photographed. We are ready for this season of sickness to end!


Laura said...

That's one coolio easter basket!

Connor Clan said...

We are also ready for the season of sickness to end!