Friday, May 14, 2010


Braden sporting the scared ninja look with the birthday present ribbon....
Braden is so funny about things he sees in commercials. We really do not let him watch much TV and he is only allowed Nick or Disney Channel. However, he always pulls these products from commercials out of his pocket of knowledge and tells us we need to buy them for various reasons. A while back it was a conversation about why we couldn't buy just anything we want all the time because it costs too much money. Braden quickly comes back with "Yes, we can't even afford to buy a Sunsetter retractable awning with a $200 certificate". A conversation was then had about what he was watching on TV. Then one night when we were brushing out teeth he informed us that we needed to buy one of those no touch toothpaste dispensers to help with our toothpaste needs. My favorite though was tonight. Braden was in his spring concert for preschool. On the way home it was just Braden and myself because Conner rode home with dad. I was telling Braden how proud I was of him and what a good job he did at singing. I told him how much I loved him. He asked me if I loved Conner more than him. I said no, I love you both the same. Since he didn't seem convinced for some reason, I told him that I even loved him first because he was my first baby and I loved him and Conner more than anything in the world. He then responds by telling me the following: "Yeah, I knew that even when I was a baby and couldn't talk. You know mom, you should have bought me that thing that helps babies to talk and read (I think he was referring to Your Baby Can Read DVDs) because then I could have told you how much I loved you too even before I could talk. It was so sweet and yet so funny at the same time. What did I do before them?


The Loidhamer Family said...

The "Touch and Brush"! Yes, Mason begged for one for months. He actually has a friend that somehow convinced his Mom to order him one. Mason also always tells me "Mom, you live better at Walmart." Scary!!!

PerryBlog said...

The Sunsetter - that cracks me up! I guess it's better than begging for crappy toys. Kyla told me she wanted the Lelly Kelly shoes b/c they come with a cellphone compact with makeup inside. Who are the losers that come up with these inappropriate products?

Laura said...

Agreed, the sunsetter comment is soooo funny!!