Thursday, June 24, 2010

Last Day

This year marked the end of several things for my kids. Braden had his last day in Pre-K and will be moving on to be a Kindergarten next year at his daddy's school. He is very excited for the change and couldn't get older fast enough. According to Braden, he is already pretty much a grown up. He is so independent and would like to do everything himself. His first day of Pre-K this year all the parents were asked to attend and introduce the school to the kids. As I sat down in the classroom, Braden looked up at me and asked me why I was still there? I told him that all the parents were supposed to stay and he looked around to make sure I was telling him the truth. Then as the year progressed he kept asking to do more and more by himself. His grandparents take him to school during the week. Tuesdays and Thursdays I drop him down at Grandma and Grandpa Thomas' house. I started off walking him in and saying goodbye. Then, I was asked (by Braden) if I would stay in the car and let him go in the house by himself. I agreed and waited in the car each day until I saw Grandpa wave at me. Then after a few weeks of this he got out of the car and told me to drive off before he went inside. This is where I drew the line. I told him I would not leave before I knew Grandpa was there. Geez....he's growing up quickly!

This June also marked the end of a very important person in our lives. Sandy, our daycare provider, left her position as a daycare. Last week was the last day and I cried my eyes out on that last day. We have been going there since Braden was 8 months old. Braden, the independent child, seems totally fine with the idea of not seeing Sandy any more. He is ready to start Kindergarten and move on. Conner, however, is a little sad. He loves Sandy like a grandma. Luckily, he is starting an am Pre-K program next fall so he would not need as much daycare anyway. We hope our new provider, Miss Andrea, will be just as wonderful as Sandy.

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