Thursday, June 24, 2010


Braden played his first year of t-ball this year. Jeff and I ended up helping coach the team and this worked out well for Conner. He decided a few practices into the season that he wanted to play. Since both Jeff and I were helping coach, Conner was allowed to play just like all the other kids at all the practices (we had one practice and one game a week). He was very good about understanding he couldn't play during the games (you have to be 5 to play t-ball legally). He even got his own jersey at the end of the season.

Braden really enjoyed t-ball at first. He loves playing "pitcher" and first base because that is where all the action is. Most balls are only hit between these two positions in our league. He was all over fielding those balls and he has a pretty good arm. His batting on the tee could use some work but he is a lot better about hitting a pitched ball. We think we will try putting him in coach pitch next year. He enjoyed the season but it was a long 2+ months. By the end he would tell me that he was glad we got rained out because he needed to rest his arm. He would say he still enjoyed the game but his arm needed rest. He still loves sports and we are interested to see which ones he will decide are his favorites once he is in school sports and has to make some decisions. Hopefully his sports enthusiasm will stay with him until then!

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